A hand instrument used for grasping teeth during
their removal from the socket. Most such forceps
are designed for the extraction of a particular tooth in the maxilla or
A hand instrument used for grasping teeth during
their removal from the socket. Most such forceps
are designed for the extraction of a particular tooth in the maxilla or
A hand instrument used for grasping teeth during
their removal from the socket. Most such forceps
are designed for the extraction of a particular tooth in the maxilla or
mandibleBrand Name Supremed Instruments SurnameExtracting ForcepsCurvatureStraight Material&..
A hand instrument used for grasping teeth during
their removal from the socket. Most such forceps
are designed for the extraction of a particular tooth in the maxilla or
A hand instrument used for grasping teeth during
their removal from the socket. Most such forceps
are designed for the extraction of a particular tooth in the maxilla or
English pattern forceps are designed so
that the fulcrum is closer to the working end, providing greater leverage,
easing extraction. All Extraction Forceps can be serrated unless otherwise
English pattern forceps are designed so
that the fulcrum is closer to the working end, providing greater leverage,
easing extraction. All Extraction Forceps can be serrated unless otherwise
English pattern forceps are designed so
that the fulcrum is closer to the working end, providing greater leverage,
easing extraction. All Extraction Forceps can be serrated unless otherwise
English pattern forceps are designed so
that the fulcrum is closer to the working end, providing greater leverage,
easing extraction. All Extraction Forceps can be serrated unless otherwise
English pattern forceps are designed so
that the fulcrum is closer to the working end, providing greater leverage,
easing extraction. ... All Extraction Forceps can be serrated unless otherwise
English pattern forceps are designed so
that the fulcrum is closer to the working end, providing greater leverage,
easing extraction. All Extraction Forceps can be serrated unless otherwise
English pattern forceps are designed so
that the fulcrum is closer to the working end, providing greater leverage,
easing extraction. All Extraction Forceps can be serrated unless otherwise